To add your simpleERB widget link to your instagram profile for customers is easy.
On your Instagram account, click the “edit profile” button located at the top of your profile.
In the website category, add in your unique booking widget link from the ‘booking widget setting’.
You need locate your widget URL from within your simpleERB settings, which can be easily found here within the second yellow box.
Once added, then you can add in your “Book Here” caption. You need to add this to your Bio section of the “edit profile”. We suggest this is the last entry in your bio so customers can be easily directed to the booking link.
Then click done and you will see the booking link for you customers. They will then be direct to your simpleERB online booking widget.
Alternatively, set up our booking integration with Mozrest, however, due to Meta requirements, you need to have a connected Business Facebook and Instagram account.