To find a specific booking or a customer's past booking, you can quickly locate this using the 'search' box.
The search box can be found at the top right of the navigation bar of simpleERB in all views.
You can use the customer's booking reference which is generated from a confirmed booking and listed on the confirmation email or by the customer's name.Β
Helpful tip:
If a customer turns up for their booking without a confirmation email, it's always good to search for their name and then select the "cancellations" button. This means you can also see all the bookings cancelled under the customer's name in case it was accidentally cancelled.
If you are looking to just find a customers contact details, you can use the customer search within settings. This will also identify if the customer has opted into your mailing list.
See the link below -
You can always generate a bulk customer report to your specific criteria, from the customers export or access a report of all your future bookings to download here.