How to cancel a booking in simpleERB
Customers can cancel their booking using the link in their booking confirmation email.
However, if a customer calls to cancel a booking or you need to cancel a booking for any other reason, you can do this from within simpleERB.
To cancel a booking within simpleERB, firstly you need to open the customer’s booking, you will be presented with the following screen. To cancel the booking, click the 'cancelled' button on the right hand side of the booking page. You can save the booking to update the change, using the blue 'Save Booking' button at the top of the page.
The booking will then be removed from your diary. Please take note you can see cancellations in the manager’s day book in the diary view, to see more about this click here. The time and date the booking was cancelled will be recorded in the notes of the booking, along with the method of cancellation.
How to reinstate a cancelled booking
If you have accidentally cancelled a booking or a customer requests to reinstate their booking, you can do this by reversing the steps above. To locate the booking, you can search using the customer’s name, email or booking reference ensuring the Cancellations button is ticked in the booking search form, as highlighted in the below image.
Click the booking to open this to view the booking details. You can then untick the 'Cancelled' button and save the booking as before. The notes will record the date and time the booking was reinstated.
If you wish to restrict who can cancel bookings, please see our help article here for more info. You can also view a cancellation report here.