simpleERB reports can assist restaurants with forecasting and identifying where changes could be made to increase revenue. simpleERB has a Cancellation and No Show Summary report available to surface the restaurant booking percentages for each type from your accounts booking data.
In simpleERB reports, select from the 'view all reports' list the Cancellation and No Show Summary.
In this report, you can select the booking date you wish the report to be calculated from, the booking period type (daily/weekly/monthly) and then the report duration you wish to surface.
Important info: In order for the no show records to be correctly tallied in this report, you need to ensure you are marking the booking as a no show from the status droplist in the booking place. See our article here on how to mark no shows.
For the report image example below, we have surfaced;
1st date of the month from Dec 2021, for a monthly booking period over a 6-month report duration.
You can export the report to a CSV file to allow you to use this data in other financial report systems.
If you find the restaurant no show percentages are high, check out our article here on ways simpleERB can help you to reduce this figure.